Taleem Al-Qur’an English – Flexible Time

Associated Courses

$30.00 / month

All prices are in USD

Duration: Self-paced
      • Recite the Qur’an with rules of Tajweed
      • Understand the Qur’an directly in Arabic by memorizing word to word translation
      • Know the Tafsir (explanation) of the Qur’an
      • Perform Ibadah in its true spirit by strengthening love of Allah (swt)
      • Nurture necessary life skills of effective time, anger and stress management
      • Strengthen the bonds of relationship with your family, friends and coworkers
      • Find the motivation to serve humanity
      • Adapt to the teachings of the Qur’an


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Course Overview


Taleem al-Qur’an English Flex Course (TQE-Flex) enables individuals to study the Qur’an at their own pace with easy global access. The students will have the opportunity to work independently at a pace they choose and at a flexible time according to their suitability. The core elements of the course are the three T’s of the Qur’an:

1) Tajweed

2) Translation and Word analysis

3) Tafsir

Language & Duration


This course is taught through the TQE11 lecture series delivered by Sister Ayesha Altaf in English. All tests, assignments, and books are available in English.


  • There are a total of 312 lessons in the course.
  • Currently, lessons have been uploaded till Juz 15. More lessons will be added as we progress through the live TQE11 course.
  • It is a self-paced course, therefore the duration to complete the course is dependent on the student’s pace
  • Minimum requirement is to complete one lesson per week including memorization of the word to word translation; a student may do more than one lesson.


Who can register

For Men & Women aged 16+

Able to pay fee online (no other method of fee payment is available on eCampus)

  • The student will have access to the course portal as soon as she/ he registers. 
  • The student will find all audio lectures audio lectures, tests and assignments on the portal.
  • Each audio lesson includes Dua,  Tajweed (students are expected to recite along with recordings using their mushaf of Quran), Translation (the audios are according to the new revised translation by Al Huda), Tafsir and word analysis (students are expected to take notes).
  • Minimum requirement is to complete one lesson per week listening to recordings and memorization of the word to word translation. A student may do more than one lesson.
  • Evaluation of memorization of word to word, root letters and singulars  is through oral performance via oral sessions with assigned Lesson Incharge  as well as  written multiple choice online tests upon completion of each half juz. Also there are online assignments to assess the understanding of tafsir on completion of each full juz. Tajweed (recitation) will be assessed only orally during oral sessions with Lesson Incharge.


Steps a student will follow after registeration


  • The student will start the course immediately as she/he signs up and begin with lesson 1 audios and purchase books from the link given on the Tqe flex time course Webpage or from the  portal under Course info and Resources. The student must not wait for any communication to be received from administration. Kindly allow 5 days to receive the first communication from the administration.
    •  Soon as the registration is received the student will receive a Welcome  email from tqe.flex@alhudinstitute.ca providing information about Community sessions. Kindly check your junk and spam folders too.
    • Each student is required to attend three community sessions,the  student should try to attend the first community session after listening to all audios of lesson 1.
    • Kindly follow the instructions on email how to join the community sessions, the purpose of community sessions is to provide initial support to the student. The community session incharge will go through the portal with students showing learning resources to the students all available on the portal! She will guide the student how to memorize their word to word, roots and singulars
  • After the student has completed three community sessions ( there is one session per week on Sundays), the student will receive a Connect email from tqe.flex@alhudainstitute.ca and she/he will be assigned and connected to a Lesson Incharge (LI)!
  • The Lesson Incharge will connect with the student via email and will send a Welcome Email introducing herself and the means of further coordination with her (Phone/skype/whatsap/ Imo). 
  • Pls read the email carefully from the Lesson incharge and coordinate with the Lesson incharge ( we also call them LIs). Kindly allow the Lesson Incharge one week time to connect with you, pls check your junk and spam folders and if not received write to tqe.flex@alhudainstitute.ca
  • The Lesson Incharge will have her first session with the student after the student has completed until lesson 9 (first quarter) at her own pace as this course is flex time. This first session at quarter juz  is practice session and lesson Incharge will not grade it rather its meet and greet and she will explain the oral assessment she will be taking at half juz.
  • The sessions with the LIs will be upon completion of each half juz which the student will complete at their own pace, minimum lesson being one per week. The LI will help the student design a lesson plan for herself.  Half juz distribution is available for students on the portal under Course info and Resources.
  • The LI will listen to their Tajweed, Translation, root words and singular and plural forms by selecting ayahs from the half juz she/he which she  has completed at her own pace and this oral assessment carries  marks . Marks distribution and assessment details are available to students on the portal under Course info and Resources/Course curriculum.
  • After the oral assessment the student will request the password from her Lesson Incharge to write the online test for half juz. All tests are multiple choice and students are tested for word to word , roots and singulars and word analysis. All Juz tests are closed book which means students are not allowed to look into their translation juz.
  • After completing the full juz the student will request the password from her/his Lesson Incharge to attempt the assignment. The assignment is also multiple choice questions from the tafsir audios and it is to test the comprehension part of the tafsir. Assignments are open book which means the student can refer to their notes and audios while attempting the assignments
  • Passing criteria is 80 percent for each juz aggregate of all the assessments related to the juz, the LI will be able to explain further inshaa Allah or write to tqe.flex@alhudainstitute.ca

Barak Allahu feekum! May Allah make this journey of knowledge easy and beneficial for you, aameen


Upon completion of the course, students will be awarded a Taleem al-Qur’an eLearning Certificate by Al-Huda eCampus and Al Huda Institute of Canada.

Book Order

For Taleem Al Qur’an English Flex Course you can purchase curriculum books from here

  • Usmani Mushaf of Quraan can be purchased from anywhere.


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