DL_Sahih Al Bukhari English (Part 3) – Scarborough



  1. To learn about the way/sunnah of the best role model for mankind, Prophet Mohammad s.a.w and implement it in our everyday lives
  2. To gain practical knowledge of the basic principles taught in the holy Qur’an by studying one of the most authentic collections of the Islamic Sunnah
  3. To increase our love for Prophet Mohammad s.a.w by learning about the actual statements, words, actions, approvals and important circumstances from his life
  4. To understand the words and meanings of Hadith Text with detailed explanation
  5. To be able to read Arabic hadith text with proficiency and correct pronunciation
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DL-Sahih Al Bukhari English (Part 3) – Scarborough

  • This course is taught through the lecture series delivered by Sr. Taimiyyah Zubair

  • All tests, assignments, and books are available in English.


The duration of the course is three + years.

  • Electronic access to audio lectures is available on Al Huda websites and apps.

  • Assignments will be given as per course planner.

  • Minimum required criteria to pass is 80%


Upon meeting the requirements of the course graduation criteria, students will qualify for:

 ‘Sahih Al Bukhari Distance Learning Certificate ’ by Al-Huda Institute of Canada

The certificates will be granted at an upcoming Convocation Ceremony, which is held every other year, Students are informed in advance to register for attending the ceremony and receive their certificate.


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